I am

RX1 Nation is, above all, a team of passionate and enthusiastic people who deeply care about the community’s health and well-being.

Our team

Sébastien Corbeil

General Manager

Krystel Houle-Rhéaume

RX1 Fitness Director
Marketing & Communication

Marie-Claude Lavigueur

Administrative Director

Maude Hardy

Graphic Designer

Karine Roy

RX1 Junior Manager

Marie-Hélène Marier

Assistant-Director Administration

Danielle Tremblay

Customer Service and Volunteer Coordinator

Sara Cadieux


Sébastien Robert

Box Office Manager
and IT

Vanessa Thauvette

Project Manager

Éric Roy

Equipment and Assembly Officer

Rey Chivas

Social Media Officer

Nathalie Ménard

Logistics, Transport and Supply Manager

Matt Doheney

Video and Photos Officer

Yan Mc Duff

Course Director

A Nation was Born
in the Fall of 2012.

RX1 Nation History

Fitness Loft and Corbeil Performance Sportive were organizing functional training groups every week, which they called the 300. This type of group class initially involved teams and a scoring system, which spawned the creation of competitive and interactive training between the participants.

During the last week of the 300, the team of kinesiologists had the idea of making their clients run in a race that involved functional training. This race involved pulling a car, then kayaking, ending with a muscle-building exercise, on a 5 km distance. Based on the incredibly positive feedback from the clients, the idea of this race was raised to a new level, which brought about the birth of RX1 Nation.

Our mission

Change the highest possible number of lives and become the path for those who are looking for it.

Our values

  • Our values
  • Inclusion
  • Community
  • Well-being of others
  • Passion

Our philosophical pillars

  • Justice
  • Imagination
  • Character
  • Temperance
  • Wisdom

RX1 Nation is the only company
in Canada to have a league of teams
using general ranking during a season
in the field of obstacle races.

RX1 Nation is the only company in Canada to have a league of teams using general ranking during a season in the field of obstacle races.