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Nation Tour RX1
How it Works

The Nation Tour RX1 event requires the completion of 8 to 12 functional exercise stations, including a 3 to 5 km race.

  • Participation can be as part of a team, or as an individual.
  • Each division has its own championship.
  • Three events in each division.
  • The Grand Finale of the Cups takes place in August every year.

Event Date

  • The various Nation Tour RX1 events will be announced a few months before their respective official date. The Grand Finale of the Cups will take place in August every year.

Course and Start

  • You must arrive 1 hour before your start time.
  • You will receive your athlete’s guide and wave times on the Thursday preceding the event at 4:00 pm. It’s important to reserve your day.
  • The exercise course and race course presentation video will be provided to all the athletes on the Wednesday preceding the event, at 4:00 p.m.


  • Your results will be posted automatically when you arrive, at the start line.